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Coordinated Outreach Calendar

Page history last edited by Alex Aronson 16 years ago


Here's our plan:


Week of 9/16 - ToV Blasts, MySpace Impact award PUSH

Here is some sample text for your blast

 ToV EmailBlast 1.doc

...and there's a veritable bevy of Trick or Vote Photos on our Flickr account.

....and don't forget to plug these videos!

....and we're nominated for the MySpace Impact award!!! Tell your people!


Week of 9/22 - ToV Press Outreach & MySpace & Facebook Blasts. Here's a sample press advisory:   ToV_Press_Advisory-1.doc


Week of 9/29 - ToV Zombie Viral Campaign


Week of 10/6 - ToV Zombie Stories & Partner Blasts


Week of 10/13 - National events press release and Radio Appearances. Pitch #s of partners and volunteer commitments.


Week of 10/20 - Monsters Everywhere, Flashmobs with press


Week of 10/27 - Press Follow-up pre-event

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