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Get Started

Page history last edited by Alex Aronson 16 years ago


Ready to Get Started? Here's what we suggest you do:


  1. Take a look around this wiki. You're already here, so that's a good step. Get acquainted with Trick or Vote, watch the videos, send them to your friends. Root for the Red Sox. (Entirely irrelevant, but important.)
  2. Convene your planning crew. Meet somewhere fun. Eat. Drink. Be Merry. Go over the basic case for the event, answer people's questions, get your people bought in. Adopt, then adapt.
  3. Check in with the Central Haunted House, here in Oregon. Let us know you're on board. We'll be excited, and we'll want to help out however we can.
  4. Pick a Date. You'll need one. Halloween is not a bad choice. It's going to be on a Friday this year, so take that into consideration. Will people in your target demographic be home? If you're on campus, will they all be out partying? If Halloween doesn't make sense, choose another date. The Sunday before Halloween also works well.
  5. Set Your Goals. Check out our Goals and Objectives in the Overview section of this wiki, then think about your own goals. Here are the  Here are the big ones
    • How many doors do you want to knock? 5,000? 10,000? (This will help inform your volunteer goals) We're shooting for 30,000 in Portland.
    • What kinds of voters do you want to talk to? Young voters? Students? Disenfranchised communities?
    • How many volunteers do you want to engage? 50? 100? 500? (Trick or Vote Birmingham is aiming for 500. Hot Damn.)
    • How many first time volunteers do you want to engage? If one of the things we love about this event is its capacity to bring in new people, why not set a goal around that?
    • How many voter guides do you want to distribute?
    • How many press hits should you get? Trick or Vote tells a great story. It should be told far and wide.
    • Do you want to raise money for your event? (psst. yes!) If so, how much?
  6. Set your schedule. Timelines help stuff get done. Plan backwards. Schedule deadlines for things like: Volunteer yesses, venue confirmation, band booking, press contact, trainer recruitment.
  7. Get to work! Because this is where it gets fun.


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