

Page history last edited by John O-R from Traction 16 years, 3 months ago

The sky's the limit when it comes to materials you could use for Trick or Vote. They fall into two major categories: 1) promotional materials and 2) Materials for your canvass

There are a whole slew of downloadable materials of both sorts available to you at Trickorvote.org/partners. Before using any of these materials, please fill out and return our  Trick or Vote 2008 License Agreement.doc 


If our stuff doesn't suit your fancy, go ahead and create your own materials. If you're feeling generous, upload your work to this wiki for others to use.


Promotional Materials

Templates available now:


Web Banners



Radio PSAs



 trick or vote sign up.doc (Sign in sheet)

Save the Date Filmstrip

 ToV partnership request letter.doc (sample)

 ToV Email Blast 2.doc (Blast email Text)


 ToV Sponsorship Opportunities Final.doc




Canvass Materials

Available Now

Voter Guide Template

Door Knocker

 Trick or Vote Sign-in Card.doc (sample)

 Trainer Tags.doc(sample)

 Trick or Vote Tally and Contact Sheet.doc (sample)

 Ninja Tip Sheet.doc (for locked apartment canvassing)

Permission Slip / Waiver





Coming soon:

Script: What to say at the door


Do it Yourself

Canvass team signs


Walklists (see "Planning Your Canvass")

Canvass Bags (for carrying all this stuff)






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