
Past Success

Page history last edited by Alex Aronson 16 years, 5 months ago


In 2004, with almost no formal coordination, Trick or Vote was executed in 11 cities across the country. Even at its nascent stage, the concept drew multiple media hits, including the Wall Street Journal


In Oregon alone—the pilot location where success was closely tracked—the 2004 event drew over 800 volunteers and knocked over 30,000 doors—the largest mass canvass in state history. The Trick or Vote concept resonated well with young people and first time political volunteers: of the 800 volunteers who signed in, 227 of them checked a box marking Trick or Vote as their first ever volunteer political experience. The pilot event received major coverage in all three major area newspapers and on the three largest major television stations. This event was conducted with a budget of $25,000.


In the 2006 midterm election, Trick or Vote Oregon drew over 500 volunteers, knocked over 20,000 doors, and dropped 25,000 voter guides. Young voters (18-30) in targeted precincts turned out at a 5% higher rate than voters in similar, non-targeted precincts.


The event has garnered national media attention from outlets like the Wall Street Journal, and CBS News with Katie Couric, in addition to broad local TV, radio, and newspaper coverage.


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