Potential Challenges with the day:
Doing the event on Halloween day itself--which is on a Friday--will present a few challenges. You may choose to try to overcome these challenges, or you may just choose another day.
- Challenge #1: Doing it on a weekday doesn't give you the whole day. Some people will not get out of work until the evening, so you'll need a plan to accomodate them.
- Proposed solution: Do it in two shifts, early and later. Many students will be able to make it by 3pm or so, so deploy them first, then have another round ready to leave at 5:30 or so.
- Challenge #2: Will people be home? A lot of people aren't home on Friday evenings, and some folks will be out doing other Halloweeny things. On the other hand, a lot of folks may be at home getting ready to go do other Halloweeny things later, so we may be in luck. A lot of people should also be home handing out candy to youngsters.
- Proposed solution: Run some test canvasses on Friday evenings. Are people home? If yes, that's good.
- Challenge #3: There are already a ton of Halloween parties. In many places, particularly on campus, Halloween is a huge party day. If that's the case in your neighborhood, it might make less sense to host your own post-canvass party.
- Proposed Solution: Try to co-opt one of the existing parties. Maybe the the hosts will like the Trick or Vote concept and want to partner with you? This would also save you the work of having to plan your own party.
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