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Safety Tips!

Page history last edited by Alex Aronson 15 years, 11 months ago

Trick or Vote Safety Tips


Get Visible--Glowsticks!

Trick or Voters should wear bright costumes- glow sticks, rainbow wigs, aluminum foil, the brighter the better.  This helps cars see you, and makes you less spooky on the doorstep. (psst....spooky is still good in general).


Trick in Twos

Canvassing turf will be paired, so that you will be on one side of the street and your partner on the other.  If you're under 18, go door to door together.  You can't knock on quite as many doors, but you'll have more fun.  Remember, you should never feel uncomfortable.


Move On

If someone at the door makes you nervous or uncomfortable, just say "Thanks for your time, I've got to talk to some more people tonight" and move on.  It's more important to talk to more people than waste time with angry or creepy people.


Don't Go Inside!

Never go into someone's house, no matter how nice they are.  Once you're inside, your canvassing partner can no longer see you and you are no longer in control of the situation.  Windowless vans

If you use razor blades for your apples, use safety razors
We actually recommend against razor blades for apples.

Stay In Touch -- have cell phone numbers

Make sure you have your canvassing partner's cell phone number (if they have one), as well as your canvass team leader's number.  If you get lost, too cold, have too much candy to carry, or have any questions or problems, call your team leader's number right away.  Sign in at the start of the canvass, and sign out at the end so we know that everyone made it back safely. 



Use that big beautiful brain of yours.  Common sense is your best Trick- use it frequently.  Don't play chicken with the pit bull in that yard. Don't eat that Snickers from 1997. And remember, sunglasses at night seem cool- until you run into that phone pole and drop all your candy.

It's smart to good to get people to sign spooky damage waivers.  This can be done as part of the sign-in process, even be the sign-in itself. 
Here's a sample permission slip:  ToV Permission Slip.doc

Aware of neighborhoods

It's good to be cognizant of neighborhoods that are canvassed, and make sure that volunteers will be comfortable in their designated neighborhood.  Note that most serial killers are 30-something single white males.


The training of volunteers and Trick-or-Trainers is really important, and it should cover safety topics.  There's a way to do this that's both humorous and educational.  "Avoid the horrible things that can happen to you."

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